Eric Workman

Linear Clock

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Please allow location for this page in order to see the liner clock. I do not log or track it. Your location data is passed to Sunrise Sunset for sunrise and sunset times only.

This is a simple version of James Wilson's Linear Clock: Solar. Wilson's clock was attempt #2 at a different way of representing a day.

By definition, a day begins at midnight, but it didn’t match my experience of a day to wake up early and have the clock tell me a quarter to a third of the day had already passed. I would have preferred to have something based on sunrise and sunset.

I love this idea. On my version, the yellow bar starts on the left at sunrise and stretches to sunset. The blue mark represents the current time. The gray bar starts at sunset and ends at the next sunrise. It is woefully lacking in character, unlike Wilson's physical clock. His project is definitely worth a read.


I've adapted this linear clock into another small project (post to come). After staring at a similar clock for a few weeks, I've come to really appreciate the length of a solar day. Being in the Northern hemisphere, with daylight saving time active, I'm made aware exactly how quickly the day ends compared to my normal wake up time. The clock won't change dimensionally with DST ending next weekend, but the amount of the solar day in my awake day certainly will.